Food is much more than nutrition

Understanding of food, our cultural heritage, habits and activities around the food can help to address societal challenges, build communities, foster participation and learning.


NetFork is a network of international organizations and individuals that are interested in exploring the power of food for solving challenges of society – reduce isolation and social exclusion, address environmental issues and help people to learn and connect to each other.

This website serves as a starting ground for displaying and promoting working approaches and methods of organisations around the Europe in which food is the central element – a rich catalyst for social bonds,a versatile tangible tool, as well as the topic of ever pressing matters. Food is much more than many think of it, and our mission is to reveal its full potential.



A research was conducted in 27 EU countries to see what approaches use food within the facilitation process to bring social impact. As a result, we have created a thorough report on the existing trends and gathered more than 70 examples of used facilitation tools and methods.


The best first step to learning about the ways how food can be used to facilitate activities within social impact field, is taking a look at the ones who already do this. In a set of online interviews you can meet the initiators and practitioners that work with food in their activities on daily basis.


There is so much to learn about the variety of aspects of how food could be used to bring social change! In a row of articles and case studies we highlight some of these aspects to provide a deeper understanding about this rich and multifaceted medium.


Food as a Catalyst in Research Design for the Cultural and Creative Sector

What can we learn about sustainability through activities that involve food? Case studies of SAPERE and Food Choices for a Healthy Planet game

How Can Food Fit Into Design Thinking? Exploring the Social Impact Perspective

Feeding connections: unleashing food’s power to bridge gaps and spark conversations in youth and social impact work

6 principles that facilitators can teach about reducing food waste through food-related activities.

How can we use the tactile and tangible qualities of food in facilitating activities for social impact? Case study of bread therapy.

9 life skills that cooking teaches

Food as a medium to discuss sex positivity

Food as a tool of learning through intercultural evenings in international projects

How can food help us to foster connections

Community kitchen and how they enhance our sense of belonging and alleviating the feeling of isolation

The Joy of Neighborhood Cooking Events


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