Food as a Catalyst in Research Design for the Cultural and Creative Sector

As a part of CIRCE program, Ieva Miltina developed a research project that originated in one of the findings of Netfork for Impact report. Initially, it was found that food encompasses a high potential to open up harder to audiences. From that it got clear that it would be beneficial to explore how food could […]
The Power of Food Conversations and Knowledge in Shaping Sustainable Societies

Food, beyond its nutritional value, holds the key to addressing pressing global challenges. As changemakers and workshop facilitators, delving into discussions about food systems and building knowledge can ignite transformative shifts in society’s unsustainable habits. This article explores the significance of food dialogues and knowledge-sharing and offers examples of facilitation methods to drive positive change. […]
Which aspects of food bring social impact in youth work?

Researching hundreds of different initiatives and concepts during our Europe-wide report on food-related facilitation techniques that aim for positive social change has given a rather clear picture on the ways how qualities of food can contribute to making the world a better place. How do we classify these contributing factors, and which initiatives in Europe […]
Incorporating Food into Learning Environments: Enhancing Education and Nurturing Change

In recent years, the concept of education has expanded beyond traditional classroom boundaries. A growing body of research highlights the powerful role that food can play in enhancing learning environments. For changemakers and workshop facilitators, integrating food into educational settings presents a unique opportunity to foster holistic development, spark engagement, and drive positive change. This […]
Common Themes Highlighted by Food-Related Facilitation Techniques

The intrinsic connection between food and human life necessitates a closer examination of the diverse topics that food-related activities can address. This exploration not only underscores the versatility of food but also offers a wellspring of inspiration for youth workers, facilitators and change agents in the realm of social impact. 1. Sustainability: Notably, the significant […]
Food’s Potential to Drive Social Impact

Blending food with organized activities opens doors to impactful changes in both individuals and communities. This article highlights how food-related activities hold the potential to achieve specific social goals, demonstrating how food acts as a powerful force for positive transformation. Whether it’s fostering community, promoting intercultural understanding, or raising environmental awareness, food becomes a flexible […]