What can we learn about sustainability through activities that involve food? Case studies of SAPERE and Food Choices for a Healthy Planet game

Food serves as more than just a subject; it acts as a catalyst for addressing intricate challenges in contemporary society. Initiatives targeting environmental sustainability, social inequalities, and the future of food have already commenced to confront these issues. The profound meanings and habits linked to food lie at the core of our being, offering a […]

How Can Food Fit Into Design Thinking? Exploring the Social Impact Perspective

Design thinking has emerged as a popular problem-solving approach across various industries. By prioritizing user needs and empowering individuals to develop creative solutions, design thinking has the potential to drive innovation and social impact. However, one area that has been overlooked in the integration of design thinking principles is the realm of food. Food is […]

Feeding connections: unleashing food’s power to bridge gaps and spark conversations in youth and social impact work

One of the primary hurdles in youth work and social impact initiatives is the formidable task of connecting with the most vulnerable groups, often coinciding with those that are the most difficult to engage. These challenges encompass geographical, cultural, emotional, and technological barriers, all of which hinder the provision of essential assistance for the multifaceted […]

9 life skills that cooking teaches

Cooking is a beautiful process, that involves patience, sharing and it teaches a lot: what life skills? Let’s see it together Eating is for everybody, but cooking is only for those who like it or those who need to do it: what life skills does cooking teach? The world splits itself in two parts: some […]

Food as a medium to discuss sex positivity

Food and sex: can the two topics be related? How many aspects do they have in common?  Sex can be a taboo: for many reasons, that we do not discuss here, it has been put aside from social speeches for long time. Now, time to bring it to society as a part of our human […]

Food as a tool of learning through intercultural evenings in international projects

International projects are beautiful, for many reasons. But many participants love the intercultural evening and consider it the highlight of the project: let’s find out why! Intercultural evenings are some of the activities most appreciated during international projects. Participants have a structured free time, while having the opportunity to discover and sharing cultural experiences. Food […]

How can food help us to foster connections

Everybody understands language food and you can use it to build a bridge between yourself and the others Our everyday life is mostly made of connections: can food help us to foster connections with the others and ourselves? Sometimes food helps us to take breaks, it can be the pretext to meet a friend. In […]

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